Alumni M.S.

Jeff Baylor

Title MS, AE, 1997
Department A numerical simulation of impact-induced damage of composites

M. Scot Breitenfeld

Photograph M. Scot Breitenfeld
Title MS, AE, 1997
Department Simulations of dynamic failure of interfaces using a spectral method

Qi Dang

Title MS, AE, 2017
Department NURBS-based enriched finite element mesh generation for complex materials

Varma Dantuluri

Title MS, AE, 2004
Department Cohesive modeling of delamination in Z-pin reinforced composites

Michael Danyluk

Title MS, AE, 1996
Department Visco-elastodynamic fracture using a spectral method

Heath Dewey

Title MS, AE, 2006
Department Large-scale three-dimensional simulations of aeroelastic phenomena

Arjan Hegeman

Title MS, AE, 1997
Department Self-repairing polymers: repair mechanisms and micro-mechanical modeling

Soma Kandula

Title MS, AE, 2004
Department Cohesive modeling of fracture in functionally graded materials

Natarajan Kumar

Photograph Natarajan Kumar
Title MS, AE, 2006
Department Genetic algorithm based reconstruction of periodic unit cells of random particulate composites

Sandhya Mangala

Title MS, AE, 2006
Department Dynamic fracture simulations with adaptive mesh modification in parallel framework

Parag Nittur

Title MS, AE, 2006
Department Mesoscale analysis of fragmentation of ceramics under dynamic multiaxial compression

Lale Ozhkaya

Title MS, AE, 2004
Department Flutter analysis of a single flap system under supersonic flow

Jay Patel

Photograph Jay Patel
Title MS, AE, 2009
Department Deterministic and stochastic analysis for debonding of fibrous composites using micromechanics modeling

Sri Krishna Potukuchi

Title MS, AE, 2015
Department Fracture analysis of carbon fiber/epoxy matrix interface through microbond and cruciform tests

Brad Roe

Title MS, AE, 2006
Department Coupled thermal simulations of fluid-structure problems

Viswanathan Sabarivasan

Title MS, AE, 2000
Department Micromechanical modeling of self-healing polymeric composites

Premsainath C. Selvarasu

Photograph Premsainath C. Selvarasu
Title MS, AE, 2011
Department Role of residual stresses and inelasticity on dynamic delamination of thin films

Kyle J. Smith

Photograph Kyle J. Smith
Title MS, AE, 2009
Department Wave propagation in granular media

Jay Thomas

Title MS, AE, 2002
Department Multi-scale spectral/molecular dynamics simulation of dynamic fracture in brittle materials

Brett Wood

Title MS, AE, 1999
Department Aeroelastic simulations of a novel bleeding system for supersonic inlets

Scott Zacek

Photograph Scott Zacek
Title MS, AE, 2017
Department Impact of microstructural statistics on the failure of unidirectional composites

Mario Zaczek

Title MS, AE, 2001
Department Adaptive cohesive volumetric finite element method for dynamic fracture simulations